Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Berea to Harrodsburg 47 miles

Just arrived in Harrodsburg, Kentucky after a very pleasant 47 miler today. Hills are beginging to lessen now as we are coming out of the Appalachians. Toady was the easiest day weve had in a long time! About time too! Staying in a YMCA place tonight. Weve just walked 2 miles for a shower and now need another one after the 2 mile walk back, its hot and sticky! America just doesn't do pedestrians! I think you are right Mike, from now on the bikes come everywhere with us!

There were not so many dogs today, although I think we may have been just lucky as lots of others said that they had some problems with the dogs today.
Highlight of the day (yes it involves Hugh)- he got a new bike yesterday. I think this must be the first time that someone has had to actually buy a new bike on the trip!! Its a lovely Alluminium Giant which Hugh is very pleased with and was very much looking forward to his ride today. We set out with gusto this morning after having had a much needed rest yesterday and 3 miles down the road we had a dilemma.

Drama of the day (yes it involves Hugh)- he got a puncture in his new bike tire!

We left Berea with Hugh enjoying his shiny new bike (after his original Carbon fibre super bike was beaten by the Kentucky hills!). The air was fresh the sky was blue but already the sun was beating down and then lucky old Hugh got a problem (again!). A quick fumble and out came the spare inner tube. Hugh was the proud owner of the first flat of the trip, and it wouldn't be the last for him as he has had 4 further flats this week! All we could hear from the side of the road was hugh saying repeatedly 'absolutely unbelievable'. I'm starting to think it might be us, as something always happens when he's cycling with us! Anyway, all is well now just got a little delayed this morning!

The terrain has dramatically changed to steady rolling countryside so instead of miles of up and miles of down, we have far more short, steeper ones to climb. We stopped at a gas station for Lunch and Hugh got out his tin of sardines which always gives much amusement/aroma!!! He has an amazing ability to ellicit infomation, managing to get a full life story from a passser by asking if we'd seen her lost dog! By the way, we hadn't but if we had, we would have probably sprayed it with pepper spray or used the Dazar (a contraption which sends out high pitched noises to scare off dogs, although we believe most dogs may be deaf and for those who arn't, it just attracts them!!)

Harrodsburg- stayed at a YMCA (behind the art deco fascade, there was a single toilet, a gym hot and humid enough to poach an egg, a dodgy hospital type smell in the sleepeing quarters and a 2 mile walk to the shower (literally-it was in a gym building on the out skirts of town!)

Exiting news-Luc is cooking tomrrow night with Clive (our resident Kiwi!) so thinking we might do a BBQ!! Well Clive will do a BBQ! Yes this is my life now, worring about nasty dogs, whether I'm going to get a shower and cooking!!!

Tomorrow we cycle 50 miles to White mills (I think!).

Check out this fantastic article on Eastern Kentucky - written by a girl who stayed in the same place as us in Hindham, KT.

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