Monday, 7 June 2010

Berea - Rest day!!

Today is rest day number 2! Although it has only been 5 days since our last rest day, this one felt much more needed. We have spent the last 5 days cycling through miles and miles of steep and rolling hills. Some people love it but for me the downhill is just as tiring as the up as I get so scared I have to break hard and my hands, arms and thumbs are so sore afterwards(I end up going down the hills slower than I go on the flat!!)

Well apparently after yesterday where it rained all day and we got absolutuely soaked, we are mainly out of the Appalachian Mountains and so the gradient should be easing off when we get back on the road tomorrow. Hopefully as it looks as though we have a few very long days coming up.

We are currently in a college town called Berea. We had a nice lie in this morning and then strolled into town (about a mile from our Motel). Almost all the group decided to ditch the camping last night and tonight seeing as its our rest day (and everyone would like to be properly rested!) and the fact that they gave more thunder storms and tornado alerts for last night. So another night in a bed tonight Yay!!

Not sure where we are going tomorrow or how many miles away that destination will be as I have resorted to 'finding out on the day'! Best way I think.

Here's the latest installment of where we have been...

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