Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Highlights of Montana and Yellowstone National Park

We havn't managed to update our blog for sometime due to lack of towns with libraries/internet access and a string of longer days, meaning that we sometimes don't have the time to update especially if we are on cooking duty that evening. The past 2 weeks we have in awe of our surroundings; one of my favourite days being luckily my birthday where we toured yellowstone (in the van) and saw numerous bears up really close!! As you can see by my face in the photo Robin took of me, when I saw my first bear literally jump out about 5 metres in front of me onto the road from the surrounding forests, I was shocked to say the least! But I have since learnt that they are not really that unfriendly, they just like to wander around roads and campsites, not really bothering anyone!Another highlight was a Rodeo we went to in Dubois, Wyoming where small children rode on the backs of sheep!! Not sure about that. Today is a day off in Missoula, Montana which is the home of Adventure Cycling headquarters where all our routes are maps are developed and surprisingly enough Missoula is a very bicycle friendly town, with designated bike lanes and people pulling prams with children on the back of their bikes! We were invited by Adventure Cycling for a BBQ lunch and had a tour of the office where numerous old bikes are mounted to the walls and photos of the TransAm history all over the place-very interesting. We felt extremely important as we had our photos taken which will be archived in history forever (along with the other thousands of riders that pass through)! A day off goes so quickly though so its off to get something to eat and then to bed early ready for tomorrow and another long climbling day!


  1. Lucille and Robin; So great to meet you at lunch yesterday (here at Adventure Cycling). I've enjoyed your blog very much.

    I just wanted to share with you our Guided Tours Group on Flickr - if you're inspired, we would love if you shared your photos from your trip: http://www.flickr.com/groups/adventurecyclingtours/

    Safe travels!



  2. Did you see my picture from last year at Adventure Cycling? :)

  3. Ah you should have said we would have looked out for you!

  4. Thansk Winona - good to meet you too! We have joined the flickr group as you mentioned... if you ever get a few spare minutes... http://www.flickr.com/photos/robincampbell/sets/72157624506109130/
